
 我们拥有完善的国外代理网络,可以提供门到门的服务。只要提供一个发货人的地址,就可以掌握全程成本和到货时间,同时可以根据客户需要提供最可行的方案。现在很多的航线都可以直接或者间接的到达烟台空运机场。1. OZ,KE可以直接到达烟台机场。 2. 一些货也可通过CA从北京中转或MU上海中转至烟台。 3. KE也是现在烟台空运的一个很好的途径, 头程可至仁川空港, 然后配置仁川至烟台的海运, 这条途径快而且运费便宜。 大货不受尺寸限制。

Air import

 We have very powerful oversea network, so we are good at handling Door to door service, to our customer it is very convenience, they only need to supply us shipper’s details and terms of payment, we can design good transport plan for them. According to our scheme they can grasp all transfer cost and save time. Though Yantai is little city ,we still can ship all cargo arrive in yantai airport directly.1.OZ KEcan arrive in yantai via ICN.2.Some cargo we can ship it by CA or MU, they will arrive in yantai via BJS or SHA by feeder truck.3.Use KE also is good route, if cargo is big, oversize we can arrange (air&sea service)ship it by cargo aircraft to ICN then transfer it by Ferry vessel to Yantai port, from ICN to YNT is so fast only 14 hours, this route cost is low and speed is fast.